dimanche 26 avril 2009

D-Vinaigrez moi by Waganono.

Hello dudes,

today we 'll learn how to break a very interesting crackme from Waganono. It shouldn't be too hard if you know how to break a Vigenere cipher.

In the first part, you have to guess the key's length. To do that, i did the Kasiski test's : you can find some infos about this test here. I found that the key was 8 chars long.

Then, i did a frequence analysis (For that, I coded a home made tool) The author said that the text is french. We all know that the most popular characters in french are " " and "e". So then it's easy to guess the key.

First character :
72 52 f=0.227074 22.71%
37 27 f=0.117904 11.79%

So the first char is 72h XOR 20h = 52h = 'R'

Second character:
65 62 f=0.270742 27.07%
20 21 f=0.091703 9.17%

So the second character is 65h XOR 20h = 'E'


At the end, we have the key which is an anagramm for reverser : RESREVER.

2 commentaires:

  1. Wow I would like to see source for real frequency analysis.

    More weak is to consider a whole character set [A-Za-z] as the common "e". At 41% of 7-bit ascii set, it is still limiting enough to derive the key.

    "RESREVER" is "REVERSER" in REVERSE, an easy anagram :)

  2. lol man, it's really lame, i can't even publish it

    i count the number of letters on the buffer (in fact BYTE here) and i do a division in order to get the ratio, and that's all
