samedi 4 avril 2009

WiteG #11 Crackme

Hello all,

i decided to open a blog in order to release some really "kikoo lol" articles about ReverseEngineering, Coding and also Crypto;)

For my first article, i publish an article that i did one year ago for It explains how I keygenned the witeG #11 Crackme with some elliptic curves on some strange field.

Should be usefull if you like crypto and if you wonder how to keygen this one.

I wrote a solver too in order to solve the DLP , i published the source too.

You can download the archive here :

Best regards.

2 commentaires:

  1. Hey hey Artif. I will find time soon study this and hopefully learn to keygen ECC too. And I got your comment and can't figure out how to un-publish it - you may have to delete it.
